Friday, June 20, 2008

Biting British Men

Unless I squeeze one last one in tomorrow morning, I probably won’t be blogging for the next week. Edith ( featured in the April blog entitled Here I sit broken-hearted at is taking me to London! London, England in case you were wondering. We’ll see some shows, walk around and I’ll endeavor to do the things asked of me ( Mac wants a photo of the “average” British cop and Gina wants me to bite a British man. I myself am hoping to find a “Johnny” or “franger” to add to my international condom collection.

I’ll be back at the end of June with stories to tell and gigs to play. Mark July 11 on your calendars – I’ll be at Anna’s Jazz Island in Berkeley at 8pm!

So much tough news this week, so many tears, so much to hold and yet I feel like a punching bag clown, popping up for more with a grin on my face. Life is always calling me to come and play.


Anonymous said...

LONDON! How fun. I meant to ask you why/how you were going.

I hope there will be pictures. :)


Anonymous said...

Whatever you and Edith do there, it will be fun. Go, supported with love.

bdaul said...

Thanks for sharing your muses! They touch my heart.
